Winter Solstice - Welcoming back the light...
Dec 20, 2024
This weekend we have the winter solstice which occurs when the sun is at its farthest south and lowest point in the sky, bringing us the shortest day of the year and marking the start of winter. These days – at the midpoint and end of the traditional year – are the ideal time to be still and check in with where you are.
The winter solstice is the shortest day and longest night of the year, when we have reached the depths of the darkness, after which the days begin to lengthen and we welcome back the light of the sun.
A time of reflection & ritual...
The winter solstice has long been a significant time of reflection and ritual. It’s a time to look back over what the depths of winter taught you and begin to emerge from the darkness, looking forwards to the sun’s returning power, and using its light to consciously manifest what you want to create.
A perfect time to pause and reflect upon the past year and what it brought you; a natural time to say goodbye to the old before welcoming in the new; an ending to create a new beginning.
As the sun begins to return, it’s also a beautiful time to reflect on the light that fills your life and how you’re being called to shine your light more as you begin a new cycle and year ahead.
What can we do at this time?...
Set time aside in the days around the winter solstice to dedicate to these ritual practices and make the most of this seasonal transition.
Reflect on the year gone by
Take an honest assessment of the past year and how far you have come. Take note of what worked and what didn’t, whether you did all the things you set out to achieve at the start of the year and what the year brought for you in general. If you feel that you are holding on to any resentments, hurts and regrets from the past year, write them down on pieces of paper, then burn them. As you do so, affirm that you are willing to let go and symbolically feel the cleansing effect of the fire, releasing all these things from your life.
Take a mini hibernation retreat
Just as Nature hibernates over winter, this is the ideal time for you to do the same. Set aside an entire day (or as much time as you can) when you will be undisturbed and, ideally, alone – a time when you have no commitments, nowhere to go and nothing else you need to be doing – and use this time to hibernate. Draw your energy inwards, take care of and nourish yourself and leave the outside world behind for just a day, so you can re-energise and recharge. This is especially important at this time of year with all the demands of the festive season, which can often leave us feeling stressed and drained. Taking this small amount of time out for yourself will help you to re-emerge as a brand-new you, able to shine your light and offer so much more to all those around you.
We all have periods of darkness in our lives, but these can be times we really learn from. Reflect on your most painful experiences and what they have taught you. Often, they bring you the most insight, awareness, lessons and growth. Can you see the purpose in your pain and use it to emerge from the darkness, like nature, stronger, more resilient and powerful?
Then write down what you have to offer the world: all the ways in which you shine and light up the lives of those around you, and how you can allow yourself to shine more and share more of your unique light out into the world.
✨What have you learned from the darkness of winter, and the darker times in your life?
✨What has been your biggest challenge this year? How did you overcome it and/or what did it teach you?
✨What has been your greatest achievement this year and/or what are you most proud of yourself for?
✨What brings the most light to your life?
✨How can you allow yourself to shine more? How are you being called to shine your unique beautiful light out into the world?
✨What do you want to consciously create in your life for the next cycle and into the next year?
Learn more about how to working with the energies of winter solstice with our Winter Solstice Yin Class
If your interested in how to live in alignment with natures cycles check out 'Sacred Seasons'
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