Why Work With The Moon's Energies?

Oct 19, 2024

Why work with the moon’s energies?

Working with moon energy helps us to know ourselves like never before. She removes the masks we wear, uncovers the truth and takes us on a deep dive beneath the ‘I’m fine’ story we tell ourselves and others and into our hidden inner worlds – right to the heart of the matter. 

In short, the moon helps us look into our souls. Month on month, as we journey with the moon, she helps to uncover our greatest fears, doubts and insecurities alongside our most hidden hopes, dreams and desires.

She helps us to see what keeps us small and stuck and scared and also what our passion and purpose and unique individual gifts are and what we are truly capable of when we claim our full potential and power. 

With an increased awareness of what we suppress and hide comes empowerment and a choice. We can choose to remain stuck in the same old patterns over and over again, suppressing and pushing down feelings or the voice of our deep inner knowing; or we can choose to face things and work with the phases of the moon to make the necessary changes. 

Working with the moon helps us to take back control and accept responsibility for our own lives and feelings. As long as we tell ourselves that it’s someone or something else’s fault, we have to wait for that external situation to change before we can be happy. Once we take responsibility, however, we reclaim our power to make change and transform our lives. You always have the power to create change. In every moon phase and every moment, you have a choice about what to do, how to react or act, what direction to take. It helps you to be aware of your triggers and, month on month, to be in flow with nature and life, rather than against it, working with your emotions and following your dreams.

You’ll start to notice your energy levels naturally start to drop near a dark moon, or that you are filled with the answers and insight you need around the first quarter moon; and you will learn to work with this natural rhythm and flow. You’ll begin to realise that you are part of something much greater and that each and every one of us is connected.

The more you work with the moon, the more aware you will become of how you are affected in each of her phases, what the recurring emotions are signposting you to or which life areas need focus and attention. You’ll know when you’re starting to understand the moons cycles because as soon as you move out of alignment, you’ll use the phases and energies of the moon to bring you right back on track.


The Moon Connects us…

The moon is an incredible tool for reconnecting, not only back to your true self but also to life, nature and other people. The moon brings us all together, which is a rare thing in our modern-day world. Regardless of age, race, religion, orientation, beliefs, upbringing, wealth, status or even social-media following, we are all affected by the same energies and gravitational pull of the moon and we can all use her magic.


Lunar Living…

One of the things I love most about Lunar Living, and the sisterhood in my online membership is that they help us to know that we are never alone in how we are feeling. Back in ancient times, women would have gathered for a few days at a new moon to menstruate in a moon lodge or red tent. This would have been a sacred time of withdrawal from day-to-day life when women would share, support and encourage each other, and tune more deeply into the wisdom of the moon and their own heightened inner understanding and intuition during this time of the month. This kind of connection has sadly been forgotten in modern-day society, but it is invaluable, powerful and magical.

In a world where loneliness is so prevalent, Lunar Living brings people together. This coming together through shared emotions and experiences shows that we are not alone. The effects of each moon join us all as we begin to realise that others around us are being affected and feel the same way or are coming up against similar issues in comparable life areas. And in this way, Lunar Living – becoming aware of the moon’s effects and phases also helps us to deal with and support those around us much more effectively. We can be more understanding towards their emotional reactions around a new and full moon, and we become less likely to react back.


How this plays out…

I remember being in central London on a full-moon day. There was a huge traffic jam as two cars met in the middle of the road and neither would reverse back and clear the way. Everyone was beeping their horns, shouting and swearing at each other, blaming, getting aggravated and arguing. I wanted them all to stop, and explain it was a full moon and that’s why their energies and emotions were all heightened. Now, imagine if just one of those drivers had understood this. Imagine if rather than acting out from that moon fueled emotional place of ego and ‘I’m right’, one of them had simply reversed. To take this further, imagine if they had then gone home that evening and, under the illumination of the moon, realised that they hadn’t want to reverse because they felt like they were being pushed back in their job by their boss, and this was their subconscious way of taking a stand. Imagine if they’d then used the releasing power of the full moon to gently let go of the parts of them that didn’t feel enough or felt small or pushed back and even perhaps started to realise that they also needed to release the job itself and move in a new direction. Imagine how much better the world would be if everyone understood Lunar Living!


To join our sisterhood, connect with others and begin your journey and relationship with the moon try our Lunar Living Membership

Read more about how understanding the moon can support you in our Sunday Times Best Seller; Lunar Living: Working with the magic of the moon cycles

Discover the latest 'Moon Ritual Pack' to help you tune in and work with the energies of the current Moon.

Want to know more about the moon cycles, download our FREE Moon Phase Calendar


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