Virgo New Moon - 3rd September 2024

Aug 29, 2024

Tuesday 3rd September 2024 at 02.56 BST  is the Virgo new moon

My Moon Musings

The last Leo new moon came to help you to live from your higher heart and make yourself a vibrational match for all that you desire. Then to help you to step into more of your authentic self and the life you desire was the Aquarius full moon. Now to help you to come back into devotional alignment is the Virgo new moon.

This is a new moon that asks you to take a pause and a long slow deep breath. In fact, do that for me now…stop whatever else it is that you’re doing and take a big, long slow full inhale and a big, long slow full exhale. Feel better? Let’s continue…

This moon is going to ask you to pause. Stop. Be still. And begin to gather back to you all the parts of you and your life that got scattered, lost abandoned and left behind over the busyness of summer.

This is a moon of deep self-care and devotion to you and what you want and she’s going to take you inwards into what really matters and help you to catch up with yourself once more.

To do this, there may be a sense of exhaustion and tiredness and a need to withdraw and retreat and rest as the moon slows you down enough to get you to pay attention and listen.

As you slow down, go inwards, pay attention, and listen you’ll be able to clearly see where you have been giving too much of yourself away, scattering yourself too thin and making yourself too busy to be able to listen to the little inner niggles that have been trying to get your attention. You’ll be shown where you have got off track with your own dreams and desires, put yourself to the bottom of your list and given so much of yourself that you’re depleted and exhausted. 

This new moon is going to ask you to detox and purify and cleanse your mind, body, heart, and soul and let go of all that deep down you know isn’t good for you. 

This is to help you to clear your vessel to prepare not only for the upcoming eclipses but also to be able to hold and integrate the new energies coming into earth. Think of it like any system – fresh new energy can’t flow through, and things won’t work in the optimum way when the system is filled up with gunk and junk.

You can’t possibly evolve into the greatest version of you when you are filling yourself with things that aren’t in alignment with what you want to manifest in your life. So, what thoughts or belief or stories are you holding onto that are bringing down your vibe and keeping you operating on a lower level?

This new moon is the pause, the standstill to check in with where you are and whether it’s where you want to be going so that the eclipses don’t need to push so hard to get you back on track.

Look at your life and be honest about where you are out of alignment, off track, being someone you’re not, and giving your energy to things that don’t serve you and are causing you to feel overwhelmed and cluttered, and instead of devoting to what you don’t want, devote to what you do.

Get the Lunar Living Ritual Pack for this moon: CLICK HERE.

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