Virgo Full Moon - March 2022
Mar 13, 2022
Friday 18th March at 07.18 GMT is the Virgo full moon
The last Leo full moon asked you to open your heart and move towards your purpose and destiny. Then came the Pisces New Moon to ask you to let go of the comfortable, the familiar and what you are complete with so that you can move into new beginnings.
Now, to continue this powerful work before we move into a new season and cycle is the Virgo full moon.
This full moon is the culmination point of the lunar cycle that opened with the Pisces new moon just over two weeks ago.
The Virgo full moon is now here to shine a light on how far you have come, show you want you need to see and support you to create those endings for new beginnings.
This full moon, as it happens just before the Spring equinox and is the last full moon before the meeting of Jupiter and Neptune is a powerful portal for releasing what you don’t want to take into your future with you.
As the healer of the zodiac Virgo is going to offer an emotional, energetic, physical and life cleanse so that you can move into spring and the start of the astrological year and truly start anew.
All full moons bring a heightened energy and emotion, but the lead up to this one could be bumpy as this full moon shows you where you have been holding back from making change and avoided letting go of the comfortable, familiar and what you are complete with.
The Virgo full moon is going to shine a light on the details of your life and what is in the way so that there won’t be any excuses. Under the light of this full moon, you won’t be able to say that you don’t know why things aren’t working or you don’t know what needs to change. If you pay attention, you’ll know.
So, use this full moon to get clear on what you are now finally ready to release and end so that you can welcome in something new. Physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually what are you done with in your life and where and how are you ready to create some change?
This full moon is a beautiful, healing, powerful release point before the wheel of the year turns. This full moon wants to show you what you need to clear out to allow in the new, what you need to end so that something new can begin. This moon is a spring clean for your soul.
Lunar Love Notes
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