Virgo Full Moon (Eclipse) - 14th March 2025
Mar 10, 2025
Friday 14th March 2025 at 06.55 GMT is the Virgo full moon total lunar eclipse
My Moon Musings…
The last Leo full moon came to help you to take big, brave bold steps towards your future. Then, to help you to come home to your soul and allow the divine to weave through you was the Pisces new moon. Now to help you to clear space in your life to step into a new era is the Virgo full moon total lunar eclipse.
You may not need telling that March is one of the biggest months of 2025 energetically and astrologically, and this full moon and eclipse portal is one of the key energies that we need to be working with.
This eclipse season truly is a portal, and it’s at this full moon that you enter this portal and if you choose to, come out the other side into someone new and completely different, into a new life and timeline.
There is so much energy at this eclipse, and as eclipse are points of destiny from you soul, you may feel this in ways that are so obvious they are overwhelming, and you may feel a lot of old fears and anxieties and stories coming to the surface as your soul tries to get you to pay attention and spurs you into action.
With all the Pisces energy opposite this full moon you may feel confused, uncertain, overwhelmed and there may be a sense that things are happening to you, and you have no control over all that seems to be shifting and moving and changing in your life.
But as always this holds so much magic and potential for profound personal transformation as this full moon comes to purge, cleanse and purify your life and take you deeper into surrender and trust in your soul and your soul’s path.
This full moon is a huge release point. A moment in time where you get to choose to remain in the old timeline and to keep repeating patterns and doing things the same way. Or to finally move forwards into where you soul has been calling you to go.
You are going to be asked to shed, release, and let go of all that no longer serves you and all that hinders your growth and evolution. You’re going to be closing out old timelines, releasing old soul contracts and shedding all old, outdated versions of you.
This eclipse is a line in the sand in your life. A moment that you know there is absolutely no going back – to what you used to accept or believe or allow and especially to who you used to be.
This full moon is bringing the cleansing and the clearing out and the big purge and release from all that is toxic in your life, both your own thoughts and beliefs that hold you back and keep you in repeating cycles and anything in your outer world that is keeping you stuck in your comfort zone or making you unhappy.
This full moon is the moment when you realise that you don’t want to feel like this anymore and you are done.
And with this realisation comes an opportunity to make radical change and let all of this go so that you can create the space for all that wants to come to you with the new moon solar eclipse and your shift into a new timeline.
Get the Lunar Living Ritual Pack for this moon: CLICK HERE.
Lunar Love Notes
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