Taurus Full Moon - 15th November 2024
Nov 12, 2024
Friday 15th November at 21.28 GMT is the Taurus Full Moon
My Moon Musings…
The last Aries full moon came to culminate the eclipse portal and push us to move forwards in a new way. Then, to help you to reclaim your power, intuition and wisdom was the Scorpio new moon. Now to help you to anchor in new vibrational frequencies and shift into new timelines is the Taurus full moon.
This is a hugely transformational power packed full moon that is going to open up new timelines, create dimensional shifts, expand your consciousness and elevate you into a whole new frequency, anchoring you into a new state of being.
There is going to be so much coming through at this full moon that one of the first things I want to ask of you is to slow down so that you can hear and integrate it, and especially FEEL it. You aren’t going to be able to think your way through this full moon, you need to feel her wisdom deep in your body.
One of the first things that you may become aware of as you get quiet and go within is a deep understanding of where you have been settling in your life or staying stuck. Taurus, as fixed earth sign, isn’t known for liking change but with this moon almost exact conjunct Uranus it’s here to shake you awake and out of your comfort zone.
Look at where you’ve been hanging onto things in your life, avoiding change, resisting facing or dealing with certain things or staying too comfortable and not leaning into areas that you know will require you to grow. This full moon is going to show you what you have outgrown and what is now holding you back in your evolution.
As Uranus shakes you awake, (and this full moon works with the huge energies of Pluto in the final minutes of Capricorn, in a cradle with the sun, moon and Neptune) this full moon is an initiation.
It’s illuminating the way forward into the new world that we will begin to create when Pluto shifts into Aquarius just four days after this moon. This is the final moon that we will ever have (in this lifetime) with Pluto in Capricorn and is the preparation point for what comes next.
It’s a call into your higher soul purpose and why your soul chose to be here on Earth at this time. If you allow it to this moon will awaken dormant parts of you, shift your vibrational frequency into that of your soul and take you into new levels of consciousness and awareness.
You can make quantum leaps into new timelines under this full moon, new timelines where you are living a life of meaning and purpose, playing your part and fulfilling your soul’s role. New timelines where you have all that you dream of and desire.
This is a full moon to create deep roots within yourself and to be an anchored embodiment of who you want to be and the life that you want to live. Everything that you want to see happen in your life comes from within you. You are in charge of your own life and your own destiny.
Anchor into a deep unwavering sense of who you are and what you want and embody that. As you do, all that is no longer in alignment with that frequency will fall away naturally and all that is meant for you will easily and effortlessly find its way to you.
You can leap timelines, create your own reality, and expand your consciousness beyond anything you have ever known at this full moon. We’re now moving to a higher timeline, are you coming?
Get the Lunar Living Ritual Pack for this moon: CLICK HERE.
Lunar Love Notes
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