Scorpio New Moon - 1st November 2024

Oct 28, 2024

Friday 1st November at 12.47 GMT is the Scorpio new moon 

My Moon Musings

The last Libra new moon solar eclipse came to help us to make new choices about the future direction of our lives. Then, to culminate the eclipse portal and push us to move forwards in a new way was the Aries full moon. Now to help you to reclaim your power, intuition and wisdom is the Scorpio new moon.

Starting off a brand-new month and lunar cycle this Scorpio new moon is a powerful moon of alchemy, transformation and expansion of consciousness.

The first thing that I want to mention is that you may feel the need to withdraw from the outside world in the days up to and including this moon. Please allow this, as this is such a powerful part of the medicine of this new moon.

This new moon is here to help you to take back your power and to know and trust yourself in a way that you maybe haven’t ever before, and one of the first ways that she will do that is to call you back to yourself – asking you to be alone and go within. 

And herein lies the alchemy, as you go inwards this new moon is going to show you where and how you outsource your wisdom and look outside of you for direction and the answers to the questions and the solutions to the problems.

She’s going to show you that everything that you need is already within you and ask you to begin to know and trust yourself and the wisdom, magic, power, and gifts you contain. She’s especially going to ask you to begin to trust your intuition and the inner guidance that is always pulling you forwards into your greatest purpose and potential.

We’ve been taught to mistrust our intuition in favour of logic and rational thinking and anything that can’t be seen or easily and logically explained away is seen as not true or real. But this is one of the greatest ways that we have been stripped of our true source of power and disconnected from the divine – and it’s time to claim it back. This new moon needs you to claim it back.

Especially as this new moon falls the day after Halloween, with the moon moving into Scorpio on Halloween, the witch wound will be alive in the collective consciousness, and you may be able to really see the ways in which you have tried to hide or doubt or suppress your intuition or even been afraid of it. But no more, it’s time to trust this incredible force of power within you and begin to allow it to guide your life.

Under this new moon it’s time to draw your awareness, time, energy, attention, focus and power back from the outside world and channel it into you so that you can truly begin to know and trust yourself and your soul’s journey like never before.

No more doubting yourself and hiding yourself and waiting for some imaginary time when you’ll begin to make the changes or do the things or use your voice or gifts. We need them now. 

Remember that this does not mean that you have to be on a world stage but rather that you just begin to show up as you in all of your life and offer what you have to give – your voice, your truth, your wisdom, your guidance, your gifts, your support, your energy, your essence.

This new moon is helping you to take back your power, wisdom, magic and knowing. It’s helping you to alchemise and transform and evolve and breakthrough. This moon is a turning point where you finally claim and step into your soul contracts at this time and be all of who you came here to be.

Get the Lunar Living Ritual Pack for this moon: CLICK HERE.

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