Sagittarius New Moon - Solar Eclipse 2021
Nov 30, 2021
Saturday 4th December at 07.43 GMT is the Sagittarius New Moon Solar eclipse
My Moon Musings…
The last Scorpio new moon started this eclipse season and helped you to alchemise and awaken your inner power and magic. Then came the Taurus full moon lunar eclipse to help you to release anything in the way of your soul’s evolution and growth and following your true north into 2022.
Now here to move you towards your soul’s path and true north into 2022 is the Sagittarius New Moon Solar eclipse.
I cannot tell you how much energy, potential and forward moving momentum this new moon solar eclipse is bringing. What you do on this new moon can change your life forever and create a whole new world for you in 2022.
This Sagittarius moon wants you to see the knowledge and wisdom you’ve gained over the last few years, what you have learned and how you have changed so that you can begin to trust in yourself and who you are. Knowing what you now know it’s time for something new, it’s time to answer the call of your soul and ignite the fire in your belly to move you forwards and really go after what you want.
This Sagittarius new moon solar eclipse is this time conjunct the south node, helping with a clearing, cleansing, and shedding of the old but especially when it comes to your belief systems. Your belief systems define and shape your world and your reality, whether you believe it’s possible or not you will always be right.
It’s time under this new moon to shed old belief systems that have kept you stuck or in your comfort zone for way too long and to create a new set of beliefs that will support you in moving forwards.
No longer can we have one foot in the ‘safety’ of the past and our comfort zone yet still expect to be able to move forward and expand into the future. You can’t keep believing the same things about you, your life and what’s possible for you and expect different results.
On this new moon solar eclipse, you are being called to dream bigger and dream brighter and take all that you’ve learned over the last few years and turn it into a new vision for your future.
Join me for a lunar yoga and meditation class on Thursday 2nd December to welcome the Sagittarius new moon - Solar Eclipse
Thursday 2nd December, 7-9pm (GMT)
Lunar Love Notes
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