Sagittarius Full Moon - 23rd May 2024
May 17, 2024
Thursday 23rd May at 14.53 BST is the Sagittarius full
My Moon Musings…
The last Scorpio full moon came to bring alchemy and transformation and reveal the pathway forwards. Then to help us to anchor and ground in these new realities was the Taurus new moon. Now to help you to embody new beliefs and find joy in your journey is the Sagittarius full moon.
We’ve been through so much change, evolution and some may even say intensity over the last few months and moons and this full moon is going to illuminate how far you’ve come and help you to now see things in a new and different way moving forwards.
After what may have like felt heavy and even stuck times this full moon is going to bring a boost of hope, excitement, optimism, opportunity and even some lighthearted joy.
The sense I’m getting at this full moon is that you’re finally learning the lessons and embodying the wisdom of all that you’ve been through and everything that has been bringing you to this point.
It’s here that you really do begin to shed beliefs that are no longer serving you or old behaviours or patterns that are keeping you stuck in repeating cycles or old versions of you that you’ve outgrown or things in your life that are no longer feeling in alignment.
See this moon almost like a graduation from the last few months, or years. A moment where you get to celebrate how far you’ve come, what you’ve overcome and how much you’ve changed and grown.
And as you realise how far you’ve come and who you’ve become this is where you’ll begin to begin to harness the true magic of this moon which is the embodiment of all that you have been growing through.
The Jupiter Uranus conjunction that happened on the 21st April (and is still operational) came to break up old patterns, old belief systems and blast away all that you have outgrown.
And now Jupiter, the planet of expansion, growth, potential, abundance, and opportunity wants to help you to see things differently, see the bigger picture and believe in something better that supports who and where you are in your life right now.
So, take some time here to look at your beliefs about you and your life and whether they are serving you and are even still true.
You can change your beliefs, you really can. And as you do your thoughts, actions and behaviours will change to align with what you believe to be true about you and your life.
This full moon is here to illuminate a new way forward. One filled with possibilities, optimism, hope, abundance, and miracles.
See things differently at this full moon, look at how things could work out for the best or what the possibilities could be. Let yourself dream that bigger picture dream.
Get the Lunar Living Ritual Pack for this moon: CLICK HERE.
Lunar Love Notes
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