Libra Full Moon - March 2021
Mar 24, 2021
Sunday 28th March 2021 at 18.48pm BST is the Libra Full Moon
The last Full Moon in Virgo brought healing, integration and clear steps forwards along your life journey. Then came the Pisces new moon to clear the space to allow the new to come in. Now this Libra full moon gives us a moment of pause to gain our balance and a real opportunity to find self-understanding, love and worth which will guide us into the new beginnings of the Aries new moon in April.
First of all we have entered into a new astrological year as the sun entered Aries on the Spring Equinox, the 20th March. A new zodiac wheel has started, opening up a brand-new chapter and new beginning. This Libra full moon comes before the Aries new moon on the 12th April, the moon where we set our lunar intentions for the astrological year ahead. This is really important as what is illuminated under this full moon is what you need to see and know and complete to open up the space for these new beginnings and allowing new parts of you to emerge.
The moon and the sun are always in opposition (directly opposite each other in the sky) on a full moon. On this full moon we also have Venus involved as the Sun and Venus are conjunct in what is known as the Venus star point. This happens every 9 months or so as the Sun and Venus ‘kiss’ in the sky. But what makes this so powerful and rare is that Chiron is also involved. The ‘wounded healer’ is also opposite the moon and conjunct this Venus star.
As Venus travels with the sun between the 23-30th March you may find Venus themes rising within you, especially those that need healing as Chiron shows you where your deep wounds lie. This may mean you find you are doubting yourself, hiding or shrinking, finding yourself struggling to ask for what you need or looking outside yourself for love, approval or validation.
It’s so important to spend some time with these parts of you, especially the vulnerable, scared and insecure parts, as this full moon is going to help you to find the balance between who you were and who you are now becoming, helping you to let go of the parts of you that are no longer serving you or your evolution.
Under this moon you are going to be given the opportunity to heal and release what keeps you out of balance and release all that you no longer need to keep carrying around with you, believing in, playing out or repeating so that you can create the space for the new to come in.
This full moon will help you to realise where you keep repeating cycles, keeping yourself and your life out of balance, where you need healing and what needs to be released from the scales of your life so that there is the room for the new beginnings that await you with the Aries new moon.
Find Balance with the Libra Full Moon
Lunar Yoga & Meditation Class
Use this chakra meditation to integrate the lessons from your winter hibernation and clear and awaken your energy centres ready for spring new beginnings.
Lunar Love Notes
Lunar Loves Notes are my moon musings for each new and full moon, subscribe for free and I'll send them straight to your inbox before each moon.