Libra New Moon - 2nd October 2024

Sep 28, 2024

Wednesday 2nd October 2024 at 19.49 BST   


My Moon Musings


The last Virgo new moon came to help you to come back into devotional alignment. Then, to guide us into the first of our eclipses and open a new eclipse series was the Pisces full moon lunar eclipse. Now to help us to make new choices about the future direction of our lives is the Libra new moon solar eclipse. 


Here comes our new moon solar eclipse bringing a life reset, an upgrade, and a new beginning but part of this is in shedding, completing and closing out previous chapters and cycles. 


New moons are always a new beginning, the time to plant the seed of something that you want to see grow and flourish in your life over the next cycle. Solar eclipses bring an amplified sense of this and take us into a new timeline. 


But this eclipse is happening on the south node telling us that something has to close, change and be cleared for something new to begin. 


This will require you to move away from doing things the ways you’ve always done them and allowing what you’ve always allowed. This is going to mean closing doors, ending chapters, and no longer allowing certain things in your life. 


So, what are you leaving behind at this solar eclipse? What is done, finished and complete? And in the space that you are creating what is it that you truly want in your life and how are you going to begin to claim that? 


This new moon is like a reset moment in your life where you get to leave behind what has been to welcome what’s coming. It’s a life refresh where you get to clear out what hasn’t been working and invite some fresh new energy in.  


This eclipse is the moment that you choose to no longer keep doing things the way that you have done them or thinking the same thoughts, behaving the same ways and believing the same beliefs. It’s time to choose differently. 


You’re going to need to leave behind old versions of you and your life and start to choose to be brave, bold and start to step into that may initially feel uncomfortable, unfamiliar and unknown.  But that’s the point of eclipses, to take you out of your south node comfort zone towards all that’s waiting for you in your north node expansion. 


As you begin to stand in the presence and power of yourself anything that is out of balance, no longer in resonance, frequency or alignment will begin to fall away, allow it. Allow the reset, the upgrade, the evolution and the new timelines to appear. 


Make a choice at this new moon about who you want to be and what you want for your life going forwards. Step into that power and let all that is not in resonance and all that keeps you from this fall away. 


Close doors, clear out, let go. Place a full stop in those places in your life that it’s needed so that you can start again. 


I want to leave you with that…where are you going to place full stops? Because it’s only through doing this that you get to no longer keep going with that same old story and instead begin a new one. 



Get the Lunar Living Ritual Pack for this moon: CLICK HERE.

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