Libra Full Moon - April 2022

Apr 11, 2022
Saturday 16th April 2022 at 19.55 BST is the Libra Full Moon

My Moon Musings… 

The last Virgo full moon brought a spring clean for your soul and helped you to clear out the old to welcome in the new. Then came the Aries new moon to help you to know who you are and what you are worthy and deserving of so that you are ready to receive. Now to help you to release all that’s in the way of you remembering who you truly are is the Libra full moon.

We’re going to feel this full moon building for quite a few days before she’s full, not only because she’s making aspects to Pluto which always brings heightened emotions but because this full moon comes just days after the Jupiter Neptune conjunction, is the first full moon and release point of the astrological year and comes right before eclipse season.

The Jupiter Neptune conjunction came to let you glimpse and be aware of your soul and souls’ contract and journey this lifetime. This full moon is here to help you to surrender all that is not in alignment with your soul path, preparing you for eclipse season. 

If you’ve been feeling lost, confused, uncertain and powerless this is showing you where you are out of alignment with yourself and your soul journey. 

You will be shown you where you have got out of touch with yourself and what you want and need. Where you have abandoned and lost yourself. Where you doubt yourself and your abilities. And how you have lost your connection to your soul and the universe and the knowing that you are here on purpose.

This full moon needs you to recognise and release these things, as otherwise they will get in the way of you following your soul’s path and drawing all that you want down into reality with the Taurus full moon. It will be these same things that always knock you off your path and it’s time to let go of what is no longer a match for you as you move forwards.

This full moon is a choice point. To stay stuck in the same old or take back your power and evolve into your future.

All the planets working together under this full moon want you to grow, evolve, move forward, and fulfil what you came here to do. They are working with this once in a lifetime Jupiter and Neptune conjunction to help you to remember who you are.

And the only way you can truly move forward into your true north and all that you are being shown is waiting for you is to clear out all that is in the way. That’s what this full moon is here for.

Be intentional with what you want to let go of and leave behind under this full moon, make it a ritual. This is a key moment in the journey of your soul to become more of who you’re here to be and remember who you are. 

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Thursday 14th April, 7-9pm (BST) 
Bring back balance with the Libra full moon


Get the Libra moon discovery pack here

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