Libra Full Moon - 25th March 2024
Mar 20, 2024
Monday 25th March at 07.00 GMT is the Libra full moon lunar eclipse
My Moon Musings…
The last Virgo full moon came to help cleanse, purge and prepare for new beginnings. Then to help you to connect to a higher source of wisdom, guidance, support and inspiration was the Pisces new moon. Now we move into the first of our eclipses with the Libra full moon lunar eclipse to help you to realise and release what is not in alignment with your soul’s path.
The best piece of advice I can give you as we build towards our first eclipse of 2024 is to clear your diary as much as possible and give yourself plenty of time to rest and receive.
Eclipses are times of huge evolution, change and transformation. They are soul portals where the universe can show you where you are out of alignment, integrity and balance with your soul’s path and destiny.
Lunar eclipses bring endings and release, as the full moon shines a huge illuminating light onto your life and shows you where you are gripping, clinging, holding on and staying too much in your comfort zone, not allowing yourself to grow and expand.
Emotions and exhaustion levels may be high, as lunar eclipses reveal subconscious patterns and where you have been avoiding or ignoring your emotional and intuitive messages about what changes need to be made in your life. This is going to be amplified by the moon’s aspects to Pluto, who wants radical soul evolution for you during these eclipses.
This full moon lunar eclipse comes just days after the Spring Equinox, and so asks you to take a deep and honest look at what you have brought into this astrological new year with you that is not meant to travel forward with you.
This full moon wants you to let go of what is not good for you and no longer serving you even if you don’t know yet know what is coming in its place. You’ll be asked to look at where you are repeating patterns and cycles, letting the same things hold you back all the time and what you have outgrown, including old versions of you.
As this full moon works with the south node you’ll be shedding old habits, behaviours, and who you have been to make space for who you’re becoming. You’ll be letting go of the parts of you who have sought external validation, permission, approval, and answers from outside of you and instead beginning to self-source and come into a strong relationship with yourself, where you begin to make yourself more of a priority.
This full moon wants you to stop playing small, stop hiding in your comfort zone, stop replaying the same patterns over again and stop letting the same things stop you.
As you allow this full moon to strip you of all that is no longer needed and all that you have outgrown you will create the space for all that is waiting for you and is yet to come.
This process may feel scary, uncertain, and terrifyingly exciting. But I promise it will be so worth it.
You can either flight or flow with these eclipses, I’d suggest you let go and flow.
Trust that a part of you knows just what all of this is for, allow the process and surrender to your soul. This is an evolution, an awakening, a preparation, and the new world is coming.
Get the Lunar Living Ritual Pack for this moon: CLICK HERE.
Lunar Love Notes
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