Leo New Moon - July 2022
Jul 23, 2022
Thursday 28th July at 18.55 BST is the Leo new moon
My Moon Musings…
The last new moon in her home sign of Cancer came to help you to begin to live from your intuition and a place of real self-trust and knowing. Then came the Capricorn super full moon to ask you to let go of your comfort zone and take that first step in a new direction towards your true north. Now to awaken you to more of yourself than ever before is the Leo new moon.
Over the next few weeks, we have some huge astrological events taking place, opening powerful energetic portals. We are going to feel this energy strongly and this new moon, and the events that follow will be big turning points in your life if you work consciously with these energies.
There may be a sense of things breaking down, breaking up, collapsing, and falling apart but I want to assure you that everything happening over these coming weeks is here to help you to shift into a new level of consciousness, awareness and connect you more deeply to who you are, moving you along your soul path. Trust that it’s all happening for your highest good.
It’s going to be an awakening and although it may not feel easy or comfortable at the time, awakenings rarely do, it’s taking you the next level of your life, consciousness, and human experience.
I know that right now the world may feel wild, chaotic, erratic, scary and unsettling to the human us. But if we can do the work that this moon is asking of us, if we can choose not to add to the scarcity, lack and fear and instead connect to, know, and begin to operate from the level of our soul we can create huge shifts not only in our lives but also the lives of everyone around us.
It is now time to open yourself up to more of what you want and be brave enough to follow it. In a world that is trying to make you afraid, shrink and believe in lack, this new moon, especially as she meets with Jupiter wants you to expand and be brave and bold and follow where your soul is calling you to go.
These powerful portals are asking you to liberate and free yourself and find new levels of courage and confidence in yourself, what you have to offer and what you can create and achieve.
And the more you go bigger, go brighter, go bolder and go after what you truly want the more you raise the vibration of the universe, contribute to creating a new world, inspire all those around you to do the same and live the life your soul came here to live.
So, on this Leo new moon, with all these incredibly powerful universal energies all around us you are being asked to set big intentions that come from your higher self, from the universe, from your heart, from your soul.
And most of all be brave, be bold, take a risk, go after what you want and don’t be afraid to shine – the world needs your light more than ever right now.
Tuesday 25th July, 7-9pm (BST)
Open your heart with the Leo new moon
Lunar Love Notes
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