Leo New Moon - 4th August 2024

Jul 31, 2024

Sunday 4th August at 12.13 BST  is the Leo new moon

My Moon Musings

The last Cancer new moon came to help us to come home to ourselves and usher in the rise of the divine feminine to create a new reality. Then, to help us to close out the old world and prepare for the new was the second of our Capricorn full moons. Now to help you to live from your higher heart and make yourself a vibrational match for all that you desire if the Leo new moon. 

This moon is big, bold, brave and courageous bringing a lot of inner expansion alongside some deep healing and clearing so that you can begin to live from your heart and allow your true self to begin to shine.

Leo rules the heart and this new moon with all of it’s powerful aspects wants you to fully begin to listen to your soul whispers and live from your heart, allowing your soul self to begin to shine through.

In order to begin to fully listen to and trust your higher heart this new moon wants to help you to heal all that keeps your heart closed, cautious and protected and there is a big healing element to this new moon.

We’ve spent way too long living in our minds and it’s now time to return to the wisdom of your heart and this new moon will bring the courage to begin to face your pain and fears and do just that.  

Be brave and be honest at this new moon about where and why you don’t trust your heart or keep yourself closed off or protected to avoid hurt, pain and disappointment.

Because if you can truly heal and open your heart at this new moon and let soul love in you will start to see life differently, experience the new world in your day to day reality and align with more of your soul purpose, creating a whole new reality for yourself.

This new moon wants you to now become a co-creator of your own reality and to step fully into the frequency of your soul and who you want to be.

This moon wants you to believe in your own power to make things happen in your own life and it all starts with you.  

Make yourself the centre of your universe. Begin to live from the inside out and vibrate with the frequency of your soul self and what it is that you want in your life – remember that everything in the world is energy and attracts a vibrational match.

Especially with this new moon happening just days before the 8/8 lionsgate portal this is a time to access your true soul self and let the light of your soul begin to shine.

The lionsgate portal is a powerful time for manifesting, calling in abundance and making your dreams come true so set some big soul goals at this new moon.

You are being called to be brave and bold and courageous at this new moon and free yourself to finally do those things that you have wanted to do for the longest time. Go after what you want, even if it starts with one small step.

It’s time to shine my love and to know that when you live from your higher heart, radiate your soul light and vibrate to the frequency of what you want you become a powerful co-creator in your life as anything is possible.

I know I’ve shared it before but I can’t think of a better quote to leave you with at this new moon than this one.

Please stop being afraid of your light and allow yourself to shine.

“Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world.”

Get the Lunar Living Ritual Pack for this moon: CLICK HERE.

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