Gemini Full Moon - December 2022
Dec 03, 2022
Thursday 8th December at 04.08am is the Gemini full moon
My Moon Musings…
The last Taurus Full Moon lunar eclipse came to finish what the Scorpio new moon solar eclipse started. Then came the Sagittarius new moon to take us into the new beginnings we have been waiting for. Now to help you to make choices that will take you towards where you’re meant to be going is the Gemini full moon.
I first want to talk to you about Mars retrograde, as it’ll be conjunct the full moon. We’re going to feel the Mars energies more and more strongly as we build up to this full moon, and they are going to be full on.
Mars doesn’t like being retrograde, and its often a much talked about retrograde as its the rarest, only happening once every two years. Mars, the planet of motivation, drive, desire, and action feels frustrated and angry when in retrograde, and under this full moon you might feel the same.
With Mars and the full moon in Gemini you may find your mind in overdrive going back over old arguments, being triggered by other people’s behaviours, and having a moment of clarity that you’re no longer willing to put up with certain things.
You’ll feel like you have a lot to say, and you’ll want to say it – but here is my small word of warning – pause before you speak.
Admittedly this may be a time when you can get to the truth of things as you won’t be able to ignore how you truly feel, but just don’t go to war with your words.
This is a full moon that’s all about choices, you get to choose where you go from here, but it is a choice, and one that’s you’re going to need to make.
At the Sagittarius new moon, I asked you to find an inner expansion and grow into the version of you who can hold your future vision. Now under this moon you begin to make choices from this version of you.
Because these choices are opening you up to all that you want and creating your new reality.
Under this full moon a new path and direction is going to open up for you. And you get to choose whether to stay in the same frustrations, stories, thoughts, and patterns, or to write a new story, let go of what you’ve outgrown, make new choices and trust in the unknown, yourself, the universe and the silent pull that’s calling you forwards.
If you were to imagine that your thoughts, words, and choices were creating your future what would you believe, what would you say and what would you choose?
Choose. Because your choices matter. It’s all a choice. Make your choices count. You get to choose where your life goes next…
Tuesday 6th December, 7-9pm (GMT) - Free to be you with the Gemini full moon
Lunar Love Notes
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