Capricorn New Moon - January 2022
Dec 27, 2021
Sunday 2nd January at 18.33 GMT is the Capricorn new moon
My Moon Musings…
The last Sagittarius new moon solar eclipse came to direct you towards your soul’s path and true north into 2022. Then came the Gemini full moon to help you to leave behind all that you are no longer taking with you and create a new story for your life. Now to guide us into the traditional year and write that new story comes the Capricorn new moon.
This is a new moon that is just bursting with new beginnings, but first the dark moon will help you to process and release the year gone by and get clear on what you want to leave behind and no longer want to take into a new year with you.
The dark moon phase will continue until New Year’s Eve and so please use the final few days of the final lunar cycle of this year to pay close attention to what you are being shown it’s time to leave behind in 2021.
With the new moon in Capricorn it’s time to get clear on where you are going in 2022 year, and how you are going to get there. Capricorn is the sign associated with your dharma, your life purpose, and so this moon calls you to begin and live this year from a place of true purpose and calling, in alignment with your heart and soul and following your true path and how you are being called to live and contribute from your most authentic self and your highest good.
As a sign of long-term vision and plans Capricorn helps you to set, manifest, achieve and deliver goals and dreams, and the bigger the better. Capricorn does not get fazed by how big your dreams are or worry about how far away or possible they may seem. Instead Capricorn breaks everything down into a real, manageable, step-by-step plan that will help you to get to where you want to go one step at a time.
The Capricorn new moon is here at the beginning of this pivotal year to help you to lay the foundations for the new life and world that you want to create for yourself. This is where you draw up the architecture plans for your dream life. This is where you lay the foundations that you will build this year upon. Everything that you do under this moon will form the foundation for the year ahead, so make sure that your vision is clear and your foundations are strong.
Time to dream bigger than ever before my love, 2022 is a year for dreams coming true. Time to believe in yourself like never before, connect to your souls path and true north like never before and shine your souls inner light like never before. The world needs you, all change starts with us and with a single step.
It starts here; dream it into being under this New Year new moon. She’s beginning this year brand new with you and will be with you every step of the way…
Join me for a lunar yoga and meditation class on Sunday 2nd January to welcome the Capricorn new moon
Sunday 2nd January, 7-9pm (GMT)
Lunar Love Notes
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