Capricorn Full Moon - 21st July 2024

Jul 16, 2024

Sunday 21st July at 11.17 BST is the Capricorn full moon

My Moon Musings…  

Our first Capricorn full moon came to help us to lay foundations for the second half of the year. Then to help us to come home to ourselves and usher in the rise of the divine feminine to create a new reality was the Cancer new moon. Now to help us to close out the old world and prepare for the new is the second of our Capricorn full moons. 

This full moon is a huge part of our soul journey and evolution. It’s big, busy and there is a lot going on, and you may experience this as an intensity, restlessness or even discomfort as this moon urges you to transform. 

This full moon happens at the final degree of Capricorn, also known as the anaretic degree, or the critical degree, or the degree of fate.

This will be the last time that we have a full moon in Capricorn while Pluto is completing this cycle in Capricorn. This full moon is bringing a shift and change that’s needed, and from this the new foundations and structures that we need to build a new world upon.

But in order to create new structures and foundations the old ones have to crumble. All around us we are experiencing the collapse of old outdated structures and foundations that the world has been built upon. And you may feel the same happening in your life over this full moon.

The full moon at the final degree of Capricorn meeting Pluto at 0 degrees of Aquarius is the meeting of the old world and the new world. It’s asking you to make a choice to keep doing things the way you’ve always done them and to stay stuck in old ways.

Or to learn the lessons, allow the endings, make the changes, take back your power and begin to be part of ushering in a whole new world and ways. It starts with each one of us and it starts at this full moon.

For much too long now we have given our power away to external sources. We have looked outside of us for answers, and for someone else to tell us what to do and allowed the world out there to affect how we feel and what we do and who we can be. But no more.

So, under the light of this full moon look at where you give away your power and too much of yourself and your energy. Look at what no longer feels good, what isn’t fulfilling you, what isn’t working in your life and where you blame the outside world or others for where you are in your life or why you can’t have what you want. 

This full moon is almost like a timeline split and it’s time to decide whether you are going to stay in the old-world, giving power to your doubts and fears and the outside world. Or to take back your power and begin to connect to your spiritual power and higher self and allow your soul to live through you.

This is an opportunity to start anew, to start again, to create a new world for yourself. It is never, never too late to create the life that you want.

Start now, under this full moon. Let your old world fall away so that your new world can be created. 

Get the Lunar Living Ritual Pack for this moon: CLICK HERE.

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