Cancer New Moon - June 2022

Jun 26, 2022

Wednesday 29th June at 03.52 BST is the Cancer New Moon

My Moon Musings… 

The last Gemini new moon came to help you to put required change into action. Then came the Sagittarius full moon to help you to have faith in yourself, your intuition, your life journey and where it is taking you. Now here comes the new moon in her home sign of cancer to help you to begin to live from your intuition and a place of real self-trust and knowing.

As the moon moves into her home sign of Cancer, she wants to bring you home; back to yourself, your heart, your soul, and your life.

This new moon wants you to create a safe space within, for you to know your inner world and trust yourself, your intuition, what you are being shown, what you know and what is stirring within you calling for attention.

As always it may be an emotional time as we enter the dark moon energies, with the moon talking to you through the depths of your emotions as she stirs your inner being wanting to bring to the surface what is ready to come through.

The moon in cancer removes the crab like shell that we often build around ourselves to try to protect us from fear, failure, intimacy, and love. She will show you where you have closed off your heart to yourself, your life, and your dreams.

As you listen to your emotions over this new moon, they will show you where you have been ignoring the nudges from life and trying to push something not meant for you, move in a direction that isn’t yours and continue to do things that aren’t nourishing your heart and soul and in alignment with your soul path.

This moon will show you where you put off going after what you want or making the next move or taking that big opportunity as you’re waiting for this imaginary sense of safety that you believe will come with having it all figured out or their approval or permission or waiting until its perfect or when this or if that.

But the truth is that true safety will only ever come from within you. From you being at home in yourself knowing that you can trust, rely on, believe in, and support yourself and face anything that life brings you – and that’s what this new moon wants for you.

This moon wants you to be able to trust yourself. And from that place of trust take the leap.

Where could you be one year from now if you trusted yourself?

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Monday 27th June, 7-9pm (BST) 

Come home to yourself with the Cancer new moon


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