Aries Full Moon - 17th October 2024

Oct 12, 2024

Thursday 17th October at 12.26 BST is the Aries full moon

My Moon Musings… 

The last Pisces full moon lunar eclipse came to guide us into the first of our eclipses and open a new eclipse series. Then, to help us to make new choices about the future direction of our lives was the Libra new moon solar eclipse. Now to culminate the eclipse portal and push us to move forwards in a new way is the Aries full moon.

This Aries full moon is going to come in big, bold, strong, fiery, and dramatic. This is intense astrology and may feel like a lot, but knowing this is going to help us to navigate it in a much more meaningful way.

The best way I can describe it is as turbulence, but I’m putting on the fasten seat belt sign so we’re going to strap in and navigate our way through this together and know that it’s taking us somewhere.

This moon is likely to be uncomfortable at a personal and collective level as we’re really shown where enough is enough. Sometimes the discomfort of staying the same has to become more unbearable than the discomfort of change or the unknown – this full moon is that discomfort point.

This full moon is going to push you, pressure you, challenge you but she’ll also change you if you’ll allow her to. She’s going to help you to move forwards in a new and powerful way and understand more about yourself and your life, which is part of the future collective destiny.

It’s going to be the moment that you simply say enough to parts of yourself and your beliefs, behaviours and habits and also things in your life that you just know are no longer serving you.

You’re going to be able to see where you hide parts of yourself to be more palatable, agree with things to keep the peace and where you have pushed down your words, emotions, opinions, dreams and desires for far too long. At this full moon this is all going to come to the surface.

This Aries full moon is going to ask you to take a stand in those areas of your life that it’s needed, to fight for yourself and what you want and to step into and claim your power in a new way. This full moon is a personal revolution that pushes you into finally freeing yourself.

The energy at this full moon could feel like the moment the lid blows off or the volcano erupts and this is to help to push you into action and no longer sit on the side-lines of your life. 

If there is any way that you are still in your comfort zone after the latest eclipses or hiding from what you know you need to do or ignoring your soul nudges and whispers or shrinking your full potential this full moon is going to blast your comfort zone wide open and push you out of it, ready or not.

This is a full moon of change. It’s the initiation into the new world. It’s the breaking point where you say enough is enough to what is no longer working and are brave enough to push beyond your fears and comfort zone into what your heart and soul are calling you to do.

You’re being pushed towards your full potential and purpose and to take that first step. That’s all you need to do, take one brave, bold step and let the energy of the universe show you what comes next.

Get the Lunar Living Ritual Pack for this moon: CLICK HERE.

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