Aquarius Full Moon - 19th August 2024
Aug 14, 2024
Monday 19th August at 19.26 BST is the Aquarius full moon
My Moon Musings…
The last Capricorn full moon came to help us to close out the old world and prepare for the new. Then, to help you to live from your higher heart and make yourself a vibrational match for all that you desire was the Leo new moon. Now to help you to step into more of your authentic self and the life you desire is the Aquarius full moon.
The astrology at this full moon is huge, rare and almost unheard of. It’s going to shake you awake. It’s evolutionary, revolutionary and rebellious and if you work with these energies you could change your life in so many ways.
A new energy is coming in at this full moon and much of what you are being urged towards may feel unknown or uncertain or unsettling and you may feel it’s too big or too much or as if you can’t make sense of it or don’t know how you’d do it or make it happen or you don’t understand it all, and this is a huge part of the magic of this full moon.
This full moon is calling you deeper into trust and surrender and allowing and aligning with this new frequency and there is going to be a sense of having to take a risk and step into the unknown.
You’re likely going to be asked to let go of something without knowing what comes next at this full moon or to take a leap towards something and trust you’ll be caught.
Because it’s in this leaping that you will meet the version of you who can handle what comes next. It’s in sitting in the unknown that you’ll not only learn to trust but also begin to see the new potentials and possibilities that are available for you and open yourself to the energy and shifts that want to come through for you that you may miss otherwise.
This full moon is cosmic. It’s bringing soul codes, new soul contracts and missions, and downloads of higher consciousness. If you did any work around the 8/8 portal or have been feeling the effects of the big solar flares that have been coming through lately you may find light codes within you activating or kundalini awakening.
This full moon is here to help to raise our vibration and energy so that we can hold the new light frequencies coming into earth. This is a big part of an evolutionary shift that will help you to begin to see you and life differently.
If you can fully embrace this full moon and flow with the shifts and allow the universe to guide you even if you feel like you’re being led somewhere a bit scary and unknown you will quantum leap your life at this full moon.
As with anything in life you always have a choice. You can choose to see the big changes that are happening in both your life and the world as scary and focus on the drama and the mess and all that’s “going wrong”. Or you can lean into surrender and trust that it’s all happening in divine timing and part of the bigger soul plan.
There will be something calling you forwards at this full moon, into more of your authentic self and what you can bring through to the world. You may feel a deep desire to do something really different or out of the ordinary or to finally do those things you’ve been putting off doing for a while.
Trust in the process at this full moon. Notice where you want to hide, shrink, dim and doubt yourself and your power, worth and what you’re here to offer. And instead begin to allow yourself to be more and more you.
Get the Lunar Living Ritual Pack for this moon: CLICK HERE.
Lunar Love Notes
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