Samhain (Halloween or All Hallows’ Eve)

Oct 31, 2024
Samhain Halloween Witch Rituals

Our ancestors used to split the year into two parts – the lighter half (summer) and the darker half (winter). The word ‘Samhain’ means summer’s end and traditionally marked the end of the season of light and the beginning of the season of dark. This was commonly considered the Celtic (and later – and still to this day – witches’) new year, as our ancestors knew that all things begin from endings – so it was in the death of the harvest that a new one would form. They did not fear the dark and death, but instead saw this ending of summer as a new beginning. 

They also honored their ancestors, believing that the veils between worlds were thin, and those who had passed over could return to visit and impart wisdom. And so bonfires and lanterns were lit to lead spirits home, and places laid at the table for them during the feast. Because the veils were so thin, other spirits, faeries and mischief-makers could also get through, so people wore costumes and masks to disguise and protect themselves, so that they would be mistaken for fellow spirits and therefore be left alone. 


The Story Goes…

That people would hide behind their disguises and play pranks on each other, blaming the spirits – a tradition that continues in our Halloween celebrations to this day, in the form of trick or treating. Samhain became All Saints’ Day and later Halloween, but many of the Samhain traditions lived on. 


Spend It With Your Soul…

This is the time to look at what needs to be allowed to die away and end in your life – not necessarily for good, but in its current version – in order that something new can grow in its place. 

As the day when the veils between the worlds are said to be at their thinnest, Samhain also helps us to move deeper into our intuition and the world of inner knowing – the things we can’t logically understand but we just ‘know’. It is a time to embrace the darkness, to explore and know ourselves and our inner mysteries and the power and potential that lie within us. 

We can also use the dark time of year to face fears, look at what we have been avoiding seeing and embrace our shadows, alchemising them into magic.

To honor your inner witch and reclaim your intuition, magic and power you can take our Awaken The Witch Within’ Workshop’.


The Rituals…

Set time aside in the days around Samhain to dedicate to these ritual practices and make the most of this seasonal transition. 

  1. Let parts of you die away to be reborn -  Which parts of you are you finally ready to let go of? Maybe it’s the people-pleaser in you, parts of your past, shame that keeps you small, fears that keep you stuck, heartbreak that keeps your heart closed or self-doubts that limit you? In their place, what do you want to nurture in yourself over winter, so that you can be reborn? Perhaps more self-worth and self-belief? A promise to show up or speak up more? Embracing and welcoming in more of your shadows and turning towards your fears? 
  2. A connection to your intuition, or a belief in your magic -  Hold a mini ritual where you honour and say goodbye to the parts you are ready to let go of. Thank them for their lessons and for trying to protect you, but let them know you don’t need them any more. Then welcome in your new parts and think of ways in which you can begin to embrace and nurture them over winter. You could include our Heal The Witch Wound Candle’  to add a touch of magic to your rituals.
  3. Honour your ancestors - Think of all those in your life who have gone before you and take time to honour and celebrate their lives and the ways they touched yours. This is also a powerful time to look at any repeating patterns of behaviour in your family lineage or beliefs, and how you can be the one to end these and do things differently. 
  4. Honour the cycle of death and rebirth - Take some time here to honour not only loved ones who have died, but any other deaths that have happened in your life. Often, we don’t give ourselves the opportunity to grieve the ending of things like relationships, jobs, friendships, dreams that we never followed and directions we didn’t go in. Mark any big turning points in your life, so that you can grieve them, take lessons from them and then leave them in the past. 


Some Journal Prompts…

  • What have you been avoiding seeing or admitting about your life? 
  • What parts of your life need to die away so that they can be reborn? 
  • What turning points have happened in your life that you need to honour, grieve and learn from? 
  • Where are you hiding in the shadows and concealing parts of yourself? 
  • What is magical about you? What can you offer to the world that no one else can? 
  • How are you going to reclaim your magic, power and worth? 


For more understanding on living in alignment with natures cycles and seasons check out my book ‘Sacred Seasons’


Or honor Hecate - Goddess associated with this season with our beautiful Zoe & Morgan X Kirsty Collaboration The Goddess Path Necklace with Hecate engraving as an optional add on.

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